Employees of the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Objects visited the Heydar Aliyev Center

It is planned to hold a series of events at the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Objects in connection with the implementation of President Ilham Aliyev's Decree "On declaring 2023 as the "Year of Heydar Aliyev" in the Republic of Azerbaijan".

In accordance with the action plan, on February 7, under the leadership of Ilgar Abbasov, the head of the State Agency for the Protection of Strategic Objects, the staff of the Agency visited the Heydar Aliyev Center in order to deeply study the legacy of the Great Leader.

The head of the agency, Ilgar Abbasova, and his employees were informed about the Heydar Aliyev Center, which is considered one of the rare pearls of world architecture. It was noted that the activities of the Center are aimed at the in-depth study and research of the nationalism philosophy of the National Leader of the Azerbaijani people, Heydar Aliyev, the ideology of Azerbaijanism, and the legacy of the Great Leader. The projects carried out by the center serve to promote the history, language, culture and other national resources of Azerbaijan in the international world, support and develop various fields of science, education, culture, health, sports, ecology and economy.

The Heydar Aliyev Museum, established in the center, has attracted the great interest of the employees of the Agency. It has been brought to attention that this museum opened on the eve of National Leader Heydar Aliyev's 90th anniversary, in the sections "Life reflected in photographs", "Social and political life of Azerbaijan", "Statecraft, heritage, achievements" of the Great Leader both during the Soviet era and during the years of our country's independence. different aspects of the activity concept are presented virtually. Materials on each topic are presented in Azerbaijani and English languages.

The employees of the agency also got acquainted with the "Pearls of Azerbaijan" exhibition in the Center. It was reported that in this exhibition reflecting the history and culture of Azerbaijan, rare exhibits related to the inexhaustible natural resources, centuries-old history and cultural heritage of our country are displayed. Here, rare examples of ancient professions, including the Azerbaijani school of carpet weaving, are exhibited, and our ancient musical instruments are presented in their original form - in sound form. Visitors to the exhibition, where Azerbaijani national costumes and ancient coins are displayed, can also see holy books in different languages.

The cars that were in service in the museum from 1969 to 2003 when the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev was in charge of Azerbaijan also aroused the interest of visitors.

Acquaintance with the Heydar Aliyev Center made a good impression on the employees of the Agency.